Sunday, August 17, 2008

We Interrupt This Blogcast...

to aplogize for our lack of posts. We are going through a long patch of relative disconnection--no computers or fast Internet for many days now. Nick has been able to check email and type a thing or two from his iPod (also the reason we are able to make this post) but we have not been able to hook up our camera or do any real typing for quite some time. This is the risk you run when navigating remote areas, but rest assured, the stories are all that much the better for it, and we'll start getting them to you at our earliest convenience. In the meantime, onward ho!


Novalis said...

Hy folks,

ich habe Internet gefunden in dieser Gott verlassenen Gegend... =)
This past days have been so much fun !!!
The night when we all together red the first chapter of "The boat who..." was just so awesome... No words in no language for how great that was !!!
Can't wait to see them pics from the big ass tower u guys crawled up... =)
Have a safe trip...


Nico said...


Hey thanks for coming over and hanging out with us! It was fun to have a neighbor and friendly face. We still have not found a computer to upload our pictures onto, so no posts just yet. But we're working on it. Cheers for now and maybe we'll run into you again