Thursday, August 7, 2008


Dominic had been having trouble with one of his tires. It was bulging out on one side. So we tried the old trick of wrapping a dollar bill around the tube and then pumping it up. This failed (we lost our dollar) so we tried some stiffer paper.

This seemed to work until suddenly, KABOOM!!!!! Dominic's tube explodes. We're talking major, irreparable damage.

Spare tubes you ask? Well, Nick had already flatted twice and the valve stem on Gretta's tube had suffered some mysterious damage, rendering it useless. We had made it 10 km, but with no way to repair our huge explosion, we were truly stuck. So we headed down the road to camp out.

The rains came, the tides rose, and we hunkered down for two days to try and wait out the storm. Just a convenient excuse to come up with a new formula, inspired by the railroad track nearby. R = RxRxR. Rain = Rest, Relaxation, and Repair. Perhaps not mathematically sound (R=R^3?), but it worked for us. This is what the lake separating us from the town of Baddeck across the way looked like, during the stormy weather we had to endure.

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Truth be told, we were pretty stuck now. There were no food sources nearby (just what we'd brought along), and the closest bike shop was some 50 km away. We spent two days like this. With resources dwindling we had to be high on resourcefulness. Our first attempt at repair involved a delicate surgery to move part of the valve stem off of the old, exploded tube, onto Gretta's valve-impaired but otherwise good tube:

We made an incision in the tube and extracted the valve piece

This piece was then added to Gretta's tube by making an incision in the back of it under the stem, and then patching the hole. This worked momentarily, but Dominic's tire was too far gone, and the tube exploded again.

So, we have three bikes, but only 5 functional wheels. What to do...

Ah ha! An idea is sprung, and our workshop in the woods springs to life.

Our final product? You wouldn't believe it, but a sort of makeshift tandem bicycle, or a bicycle built for two! Look closely at those bikes now...

Up on the highway again, we put this machine to the test, but were disappointed to find that it was impossible to keep it balanced. A normal tandem bike only has one pivot point (the front steering), but this one had two: both sets of handlebars moved. This led to a phenomenon where when the front bike turned, the weight on the back bike shifted and threw everything out of whack. We made it not more than 10 feet this way.

God's Work: A Series of Door Openings and Closings

God never closes a door without opening another, so the saying goes. But the reverse is also true, we are finding. It's been one series of door openings and closings after another. Seems like dull work, but the fun is seeing how we respond in between. The tandem bike (engineered by Dominic and Gretta) was ingenious, but the laws of physics made it impossible to ride. But when that door closed, along came another open door: the door to a friendly neighbor's truck, who loaded us up, and took us into Sydney.

By the time you read this post, we will hopefully be gone. Hopefully we will have solved Nick's knee problem, and we are hoping to get warm and dry. Hey, maybe the sun will even have come out!


Von said...

As a concerned Mom, I was speechless while reading your account of the bike/knee dilemma. I do confess that I laughed hard at the humorous commentary, and felt heartened by your creativity and invention. I just knew the three of you, the smartest and most ingenious kids in Nova Scotia, will be all right.
I do sincerely hope that the most essential items to the continuation of the journey-- the bikes, and the knees-- will recover in due time.
Some of us would like to contribute. I would like to give $50 to this noteworthy adventure. How? Love Mom

Nico said...

Mom, glad to hear you are enjoying the blog and the adventure with us!! And thanks so much for the $50 offer! We are not sure the best way to make a transfer, but we are thinking through paypal... We are using the Internet on my iPod right now so we will have to look into this further when we have access to a real computer. Ta-ta!

Unknown said...

ahhh, so sorry to not be a part of the death-defying fun...ironically, andrew, lexa, erica and i were all sitting around about a week ago discussing some likely adventures that may befall you. you will be gratified to know that we were not imaginative enough to actually come up with your smorgasbord of craziness.

also so sorry i didn't get to see you all in NM, we're back in oregon now and getting ready to fly to maine next week...oh, the life of a jet-setter.

i have a photoblog, btw, mostly of my child:

good luck, i'll be reading!


Anonymous said...

hey Nico, Gretta and Dominic someone posted your blog address and i found you. I hope you are having a wonderful trip. Doug and I just rode to the beach from my Dad;s in Cali while eating at the Shark's Fin the princess in me talked to Doug about doing a bike trip with a credit card and staying in motel rooms....camping looks like a lot more fun! Have a wonderful adventure! ~patti